Friday, November 21, 2008

dearest Nemo Edward

In July 2007 after a long time together, my boyfriend and I decided it was time to expand our family. We wanted a dog. I can remember the time like it was yesterday, I found this cute chihuahua on Craigslist, and I was smitten.
I e-mailed it it to J, and he was in love. He said get him. I emailed back and forth with the girl for 2 week's. I guess she lived in a condo and couldn't have a dog, but she fell in love with him and it was heart breaking to get rid of him.
It seemed like forever.
I begged her for this dog.
She came up with excuses.
I started to look for other's.
We went to the animal shelter, and my bf fell in love with an older dog, we tried to adopt, however an older couple got him first.
After that I found a black chihuahua that I wanted, but when I met him, it wasn't the perfect dog for us... so I moved on and kept hoping this girl would finally give in.
She did. She came to our home, to drop "Nano" off... she wanted to see our yard. Nano came in and played, she gave us a crate. She cried, non stop. My boy fiend actually handled her well. He consoled her. Nano did not look at all like his picture. But he was so cute.
A huge, skinny chihuahua.
We were smitten.
From that day on... we changed his name to Nemo Edward.
Nemo after the fish that she dropped off with him.
and Edward kinda went with it.
He is now We now have had this little creature for 17 month's.
When I go to bed at night, i usually have him on my chest or snuggled up on me. I seriously can not imagine my life with out him. I love him more then anything. When I am having a bad day, he licks my face, and has no idea what I am upset about. Yet he loves me more then anything.
Thank you J. for giving me Nemo, an unconditional love!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Notebook.

After 4 long year's of wanting to see the note book. Sunday night sitting at home, it was on T.V. So OF COURSE I took advantage of this. At first, I was like oh no, it is 3 hour's long. Ican't sit though that.
With in 10 minutes I was engaged and ready for the rest. This movie reminded me so much of Titanic. Which I saw 10 year's ago with my brother at the Sunrise theater.

After 92 min's of this movie, I got so emotionally involved, I was so into this story I was already balling my eyes out, as my boyfriend was snoring next to me on our bed.
Come on, If your'e a bird I'm a bird.

This movie tought me a lot. Lately I have been so distant. In a deep depression. And, this story gave me hope. I met my boyfriend when I was 20. 9 long year's ago, we have broken up and we have got back together a million times. I love him more then word's can ever describe.
I know he loves me the same way.
beautiful dawn