Monday, January 19, 2009

Up in the DC

Okay this is where I get serious. This is my personal blog, and I do not expect anyone to read as I am so a slow writer. and not very interesting.
Yet, I am as of today going to post all the time (even the smallest lamest posts)!
So get used to it!

I am awake at 1:19AM the night before the inauguration... I saw a HUGE semi- truck the other day on the turn-pike that said "YES, I QUIT MY JOB, BECAUSE OBAMA IS GOING TO PAY MY RENT AND FILL UP MY GASS TANK, GO OBAMA 2009".
I'm so pissed at shit like that. Anyone ever see when Howard Stern sends people out to interview during the elections and they go something like this: "Hey Whatchoo think about Omama's Vice President Sarah Palin"?
People responded with, OMG SHE IS AWESOME!
And like a lot of you I am going to express the same fear. People voted for Obama because they think he is going to change our country overnight. IMPOSSIBLE!
Obama had a speach today and it went something like this... "Before America get's better she will get much worse". Whoooa... what happened to our elected Obama, that said he would pay our bills?
Guess ya should have just trusted McCain.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year's!

What a horible blogger I have been!
I promise to get much better!
It's 2009! Whoo hoo! I have a new job, as a um...
Hmm... it's hard to explain. I am kind of a pharmacy tech. It's interesting, but I shall tell you all more about that later. J and I stayed home one NYE, and I fell asleep at like 10pm... shame on me. I am getting old!
I am glad 2008 is over, so many obstacles happened, I am ready for a brand new year!